American Gem 2008 Short Screenplay Competition Winners - THE BORDER LAND
  American Gem Short Screenplay Competition
2008 WINNERS  

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Faisal Qureshi

20th Place Winner

Faisal Qureshi
of Cheadle, United Kingdom



I knew I wanted to be a screenwriter.......  

because it seemed one route to get into directing.


I know I've succeeded.......  

when I can support a family just from just my writing.


My inspiration to write THE BORDER LAND.......

was from events that were related to me or I witnessed during my travels abroad.




FilmMakers Magazine: What inspired you to write?

Faisal Qureshi:
I really don't know. It just kind of happened.

FilmMakers Magazine: How did you prepare yourself to write your first script? 

Faisal Qureshi: Bought a copy of William Goldman's Adventures in the Screen Trade, skipped to the final section and started reading.

FilmMakers Magazine: Is this your first script and how long did it take you to write THE BORDER LAND?

Faisal Qureshi: Not my first script, took me two years on and off to structure it, a couple of weeks to re-write it.

FilmMakers Magazine: Do you have a set routine, place and time management for writing?

Faisal Qureshi: Usually if I manage to get free then get writing.

FilmMakers Magazine: Do you believe screenplay contests are important for aspiring screenwriters and why?

Faisal Qureshi: They're a great morale booster BUT it depends what they're giving and what you're looking for as a writer. Recognition of your talent or something more.

FilmMakers Magazine:
What influenced you to enter the American Gem Short Script Competition?

Faisal Qureshi: They had a deadline, I had a completed script. Why not? There were few opportunities for the script to be looked at here so why not try and see what happens if I sent it abroad.

FilmMakers Magazine: What script would you urge aspiring writers to read and why?

Faisal Qureshi: I would tell aspiring writers to read books. I meet so many screenwriters who proudly advertise their own illiteracy. It's like a badge of honor or something. Forget reading screenplays at first, read books first and by that I don't mean screenwriting manuals but great fiction and non-fiction.

FilmMakers Magazine: Beside screenwriting what are you passionate about and why?

Faisal Qureshi: I would love to go and direct again but celluloid is far more expensive habit than cocaine.

FilmMakers Magazine: Who is your favorite Screenwriter and Why?

Faisal Qureshi: I have a number of favorite screenwriters. Paul Schrader, Oliver Stone, Franco Solinas, Jean-Claude Carriere amongst them.

FilmMakers Magazine: Name the director you would love to work with and why?

Faisal Qureshi: I would have loved to have worked with Gillo Pontecorvo or Stanley Kubrick but they've sadly passed away. Would love to work with Roman Polanski, Oliver Stone or Paul Schrader.

FilmMakers Magazine: Name the actor you would love to work with and why?

Faisal Qureshi: I have too many actor friends, they could be insulted. I'll pass.

FilmMakers Magazine: Any tips and things learned along the way to pass on to others?

Faisal Qureshi: Learn to accept criticism and try to develop from it. I've seen so many people ruin their talent by refusing to accept that they might be wrong.

FilmMakers Magazine: What's next for you?

Faisal Qureshi:
Usual, try and hustle money for various projects.

FilmMakers Magazine: Where will you be five years from now?

Faisal Qureshi:
I hope to be in a far better place than I am now.




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