Elizabeth Appell

Drama (Based on a true story)

The Extra Mile is about a San Francisco cop, Jimmy Jay Jones, who would do anything to keep his son, 10 year-old son, Jonesy, out of the gang culture and to succeed in the world. When Danny Eaton a white boy and Jonesy’s best friend accidentally dies, Jimmy Jay convinces Danny’s grieving mother, Kate, to work with him to start an inner city track team to memorialize her son and keep kids off the streets. It’s an agonizing effort to inspire these angry, lost, jaded kids to compete for a phony goal trophy instead of stealing real gold watches. Slowly they make headway until Jimmy Jay contracts cancer. Without Jimmy Jay the team almost folds until Kate and Ruby, one of the oldest and toughest kids and a talented runner, make clear the stakes. They must run for their coach, they must run for the dead boy, they must run for their lives.

Copyright 2008 Elizabeth Appell
All Rights Reserved