
Lois Henry

The death of the only woman who showed them any real love brings Charlene and her younger, troubled sister Heather back to the squalid oil town they fled six years earlier.

Charlene’s plan is to leave directly after their “grandmother’s” funeral but others from their past have different ideas.

They learn that the man who destroyed what family they had was recently found in a makeshift grave, shot to death about the same time they left town. 

The cops want answers and something else - money they say was stolen by Bobby, Charlene’s older brother. 

Meanwhile, Frankie, a man Charlene has both dreaded seeing and yearned for, wants answers of his own from Charlene. 

As Heather descends into self-destruction, Charlene desperately tries to find a way out for them both.

She stumbles over clues left by Bobby that lead to a deeper mystery and turns to Frankie for help. To solve the puzzle, she must trust Frankie with the secrets of her family’s dark history.

She struggles to keep Frankie at arm’s length but time is running out. 

The cops, a dangerous drug family, her treacherous mother, Bobby’s clandestine dealings and Heather’s reckless despair come together in a violent conclusion that threatens to unravel Charlene’s sanity.

The tight control Charlene has maintained all these years is shattered, she has nothing left.

Nothing except the possibility of love if she is capable of accepting it. 

Copyright 2007 Lois Henry
All Rights Reserved